what parents say

My daughter is in Sr Kg in Vidyanchal. We have been associated with the school since last 3yrs and my experience is very positive. Teacher gives attention to individual students and helps them learn things at their own pace. Even in this pandemic teachers are getting syllabus covered and preparing kids for the next standard. The activities and online festival celebration is fun. The quality of education is very high at Vidyanchal and I am very happy with my daughter’s progress.

Satish Tarange
(F/O Sara Tarange)

We (Monali & Shivshankar Banerjee) as a parent of Devarsh Banerjee from Sr. Kg. wanted to thank you for all the efforts you have taken for our kid. He is really very active in all the classes and doesn’t want to miss any class and it is completely the result of your efforts. We initially thought it would be interesting in the beginning and later kids might lose interest as we know there is a lot of difference in classroom teaching and online teaching but you proved it wrong as he is still very excited to attend all the classes and wants to speak all the time with all of you.
Online teaching and regular classes there is a difference and in early days of lockdown means in summer vacation kids were missing all the activities & even their friends. But after the online school started, you all arranged it so nicely that kids did not miss their activities, they enjoyed all the festivals like Dussehra, Diwali, Makar Sankranti and not missing their friends.
Even Grandparents day was the cherry on the cake, all the kids were so happy and even grandparents participated wholeheartedly. Every month role play was always exciting for kids as they played different different roles..like Devarsh played the roles of Coconut Tree, Ice Cream and Even the Kolkata tram 😊.
This pandemic also gave us the opportunity to spend most of the quality time with our kids. Playing, cooking, craft and helping them in studies. This is obviously the positive thing which we really wanted.
SO we wanted to thank all the teachers like Pooja Mam, Manasi Mam, Shweta Mam, Nilesh Sir, both PT teachers including you. You all are doing good and putting in all the necessary efforts.

Monali & Shivshankar Banerjee

This one is to appreciate the efforts of Tina Mam who is the class teacher of Class 2-B as you very well know.

We as parents would like to extend a whole-hearted thanks and gratitude to her for the sincere commitment with which she drives the class activities.
Tina Mam is very prompt and timely in her replies for any doubts , queries and clarifications on any topic seeked.

She has been very receptive many times and listens to the parents queries properly and then frames a very constructive reply – the quality we admire about her.

We are especially thankful for the efforts she took to invite you and motivate Anika and then we also had it uploaded on the school website.This was if you remember pertaining to Anika’s third prize which she won in the Inter-school Myelin competition in the story telling section.

Our aim as parents will always be to encourage Anika to do such different things and I see Tina Mam very much aligned and in sync and ready to go that extra mile to inspire kids.She always motivates students for the same.

We are very lucky and fortunate to have Tina Miss as Anika’s class teacher.

Please convey the above to Tina Miss & please do express our sincere thanks and gratitude.

F/O Anika
(Grade 2)

आमच्या ऑफिसचे स्पोर्ट्स चालू होते… विद्यांचाल school मध्ये.. अवनीश माझ्याबरोबर आला होता.. आमचे delivery मॅनेजर तिथे अवनीशशी खेळत होते…त्यांनी मला विचारलं “तुझा मुलगा विद्यांचाल school मध्ये आहे ना”… मी shocked झाली कारण अवनीश अजून preschool मधेच होता, शाळा आम्ही अजून शोधत होतो…”नाही हो, अजून शाळेत टाकायचं आहे त्याला” मी उत्तर दिलं… “अग तो तर सगळ्यांना हेच सांगतो आहे…की तो ह्याच शाळेत आहे”… तिथे काही बोलण्यात अर्थच नव्हता…
घरी आल्यावर मी आणि अभिने त्याला विचारलं की “असं का सांगितलं सगळ्यांना” तर त्याने declare केलं मला त्याच शाळेत जायचं आहे म्हणून… अश्या प्रकारे त्याच्या आयुष्यतला पहिला मोठा decision त्याने स्वतःच घेतला…. आम्ही formality पूर्ण केली admision ची… And his decision turned out to be wonderful for him …

Yesterday one more feather was added to avaneesh’s cap…He completed his Nursery course with flying colors….. Now he is ready for the next milestone… Being his parents, we feel proud for the appreciation he got for his social conduct, mental and physical ability as well as love for his family, rather than his academic progress(though he did best there too) ….

F/O Avaneesh
(Sr. Kg.)

what students say

Vidyanchal High school has always been influential in shaping the path of my education. The school had recognised my potential as early as grade 7, and since then motivated me to strive and excel at academics.It encouraged me into numerous intra-school inter school quizzes, workshops, debates, speeches, competitions…..the list goes on. It is because of all these that I developed the mentality of accepting challenges and to toil to excel at academics. It is the reason why I scored 94.40 percent in 10th and then 94.00 in 12th. Now I am a student at IISER Pune and expected to get BsMs degree in 2025 and then hopefully persue PhD. However,when I see my cupboard full of certificates, trophies and medals won at Vidyanchal, the nostalgia and pride of being an ex vidyanchalite that follows is just imposing.

Whatever I am today it is only and only because of VIDYANCHAL SCHOOL. It’s been 2 years that I left the school but it still feels I have the same attraction , same bond with the school .

The school gave me each and everything to make progress in . I did everything in school which I couldn’t have done anywhere else . Things like writing a report to a newspaper , taking part in various competitions , hosting shows . I have got the privilege to become a good personality only and only due to Vidyanchal high school .I am glad I was the school topper of the year 2019 with 94.8 %.I got the opportunity to develop myself as a National basketball player and what not . Lastly I fall short of words to say about this great institution ! The credit goes to each and every teacher contributing !
Thank you for everything !

Rajnandini Nimbalkar & Rajat Shinde
(2018 passout)